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poniedziałek, 8 grudnia 2008

Francuski wywiad

Mamy angielskie tłumaczenie:

Wentworth can you tell us why you decided to act in this series and how this show differs from other ones?

WM: I decided to do it because I had to pay my rent, because it was a job, because I had been without a job for two years but above all because it was a very good story: it had a significant chance of becoming a great success, and of course I wanted to be part of that. PB is different because they're not afraid to kill people off and because the hero is not a traditonal character. He's a good man who doesn't hesitate to get his hands dirty and it was for me a very compelling character to play.

How did you fell when you started this adventure?

WM: I was very excited because we had an exceptional team (crew) and a very sophisticated script. The set also was exceptional, it wasn't a studio, it was a real prison, Joliet near Chicago, which is 150 years old. Many people have been executed there through the years and it gave a very peculiar atmosphere, like a picnic in a graveyard.The place was a character in itself, adding authenticity and veracity to the show, a thing you don't find in studios in LA.

What do you think of the evolution of your character in S3?

WM: I think the situation for Michael is becoming more difficult and complicated, as I told you, he's a good man, fundamentally good who wants to save his brother, but who soon finds himself on a completely different level of distinction between Good and Evil. He started to actively kill people to protect his loved ones. I think he feels responsible for Sara's death and this annuls all his previous sacrifices. Sara was smart and took her own decisions but Michael used her as if she was a pawn in a deadly chess game. He knows if he hadn't met her, she would still be alive today. Now the question asked in S4 is the following one: is there any form possible of forgiveness or redemption for a character like Michael Scofield.

What's your favourite season?

WM: My favourite season was the first one, I think that my character was heroic and I was surrounded by an exceptional cast, in particular Peter Stormare who played Abbruzzi and Muse Watson who played Westmoreland. I felt we were creating something new: PB is a a network show not a cable show, so we were limited in all we could do, say or show. The challenge was to communicate in the best manner possible within those limits.

You know all the girls are in love with you, all around the world, how does it feel to be a sex-symbol?

WM: Well, I think we all have our "boxes", what I call boxes: some boxes are more luxurious than others. I received a lot of attention with PB, in terms of this role and it's a fantastic experience. But one day, I'll have to say goodbye to Michael and I'll have to re-invent myself. But I think it will be easy to get out of this PB box, because I have other qualities to offer and I'd like to have a chance to show other sides than Michael Scofield....

Are you worried to see the end of the series?

WM: Not at all! I'm devoted to it but not attached! I invest myself a 100% to it, but when it's done , it's done: "c'est fini"

You speak good French!

WM: I'm not worried about what will happen after PB. I think I'll start again from zero in order to have a name in future films. But at least I won't have to worry about how I'll pay the rent.

Do you think one day there will be "Prison Break: the movie?

WM: I don't think so. I think PB is a product for television: it would be impossible to develop it in two hours, there are too many characters and themes. I could not develop Michael's character in such a short time in a future film, you need 57 episodes to figure out who this character is.

Do you enjoy working with the cast other members?

WM: No!

They are not funny?

WM: I'm joking!

Who is the funniest?

WM: Actually, Dominic! DP is very funny. It may surprise some because he can look like a brute but in fact he's quite smart and unpredictable. It's important to keep a light-hearted mood on a set where the material is so dark, because it could quickly become unbearable.

To finish with, can you say something in French, like "I love all the French girls"?

WM: "J'adore la femme français". C'est bon!

You like "C'est bon"

thanks to Soraya& Taoone z ExComm

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