
Zapraszamy wszystkie wentoholiczki na pogaduszki o Wencie i nie tylko... Czat to też świetne miejsce, żeby się przywitać. Będzie nam bardzo miło was poznać.

sobota, 23 maja 2009

Kolejne zdjęcia promo 4x23 i 4x24

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

vague@PBelite: Do not hotlink | disclaimer: Please do not try to rub out the watermark as I've already seen such practices and it's unpleasant. It was never my intention to spoil you the joy of watching the pictures but experience taught me that some people still don't know what does "credit/source" words means or, what's even worst, they intentionally give fake sources/credits. I wasn't reposting those pictures on other sites because I predicted that people may not like the watermarks. It was You who posted it on yours sites/blogs etc. so please don't cry about watermarks now. Naturally, when the episodes are released I will post the pictures without watermarks. PLEASE attach this note while posting on other sites/blogs/boards. Thank you.

credit: PBelite

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