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sobota, 12 lutego 2011

Wentworth Miller w nowym serialu- oby to była prawda!

Wentworth Miller i Orlando Jones starają się o rolę w pilocie "Identity" stacji ABC. Scenariusz napisany przez autora "Eagle Eye" Johna Glenna opowiada o elitarnym oddziale policyjnym.
The pilot revolves around an elite police unit formed to combat the explosion of identity-related crime.
ABC has made offers to Wentworth Miller and Orlando Jones for a pilot presentation for Identity, according to sources.
The show is a procedural, a milieu ABC has had little success with. It revolves around “an elite police unit formed to combat the explosion of identity-related crime,” according to the logline.

The ABC Studios drama is written by John Glenn and executive produced by Deb Spera and Mark Gordon, who has a long-standing relationship with ABC Studios via his work on Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Spera and Gordon also ep CBS’ Criminal Minds and Lifetime’s Army Wives.

Jones has worked extensively in television including multiple-episode arcs on Rules of Engagement and Men In Trees. Miller rose to fame in Fox’s Prison Break. A graduate of Princeton University (with a BA in English Lit), Miller penned a horror-themed screenplay that last year went into development at Fox Searchlight.
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