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środa, 2 grudnia 2009

Stary ale fajny wywiad z Wentem dla NovaFM

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Sunshinegirl na prośbę dziewczyn z forum Excommunicated spisała cały wywiad:

Q: I love Prison Break Wentworth I do. But the boys are particularly dazzled by you in Prison Break with your tats. Now lets get the question that I'm sure you're asked a million times out of the road. Now I am fasinated to know how do they do the tattoos?
WM: The tatoo? It's a bunch of decals. They put it together like pieces of a puzzle. They've got like 20 of them that take about four to five hours to apply.
Q: So do they iron those do they..
WM: You know those tatoos like you pull out of a crackerjack box. It's kind of like that.
Q: Now we've got to be careful here mate because we are only three or four shows in so be careful what you say. We don't want to get people too far ahead but the experience must have been phenomenal, the set, everything, the cast. It must have an amazing thing to be part of.
WM:Yes it is especally since we are shooting at a real prison that was shut down in 2002. I mean its absolutely invaluable that we get to shoot in a real location where so many men lived and died. It really adds something to the show.
Q: I was just going to ask about that. I'd read that you were shooting it in a proper prison but was that like a maximum security prison? Where is it?
WM: Yeah maximum security state penitentiary about 45 minutes outside of Chicago in Illanois.
Q: That's incredible
WM: John Wayne Gacey one of the first serial killers in America was held there for a while.
Q: Do you get a lot of fan mail from prisoners?
WM: I do I do. Apparently a signed head shot from a prison break cast member will get you a pack of smokes behind bars. It's worth something on the black market.
Q: I've heard that depending who the head shot is of it can get you a lot more than that Wentworth...that's what I've heard.
Q: Listen we're about up to as Lutzy just said you can't give too much away but what season are you up to? Like where are they shooting now? Is it season two or what?
WM: We're just finishing up the first season. So everyone is working on the escape trying to get my brother out of prison before he's executed.
Q: OK. Well this is where it's getting confusing to me because for us because from where we are at you've got like about 3 weeks before your brother is going to kark it. And we've got a whole season....there'll be some plot somethings going to happen.
WM: Yeah. Yeah. There are many many setbacks to come.
Q: If you reckon that's confusing. Have a listen to this. I've just googled you and it says Wentworth Miller London born, Brooklyn raised, Miller is part African American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian and Lebanese.
WM: Oh they forgot Russian.
Q: You're a whole United Nations of a human... You are. (laughs)
WM: I guess so. Yeah.
Q: That's unbelievable. And of course your co star, your brother in Prison Break is an Australian he?...yeah..
WM: Yeah I imagine thats a big part of why the show is doing so well down there. Dominic is a hottie.
Q: You like him do you?'ve been hanging out in prison too long Wentworth (laughs)
 (can't quite make out this bit) know what I'm talking about? (laughs)
WM:I know what you're talking about.
 Q:But what's your history Wentworth? I've never seen you before. You've sort of come along and now you're a big star. Where would we have seen you before?
WM: You know I've done shows like ER and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I was in a movie with Nicole Kidman and Anthony Hopkins a few years ago called The Human Stain.
Q: Really! Now what were you in Buffy? Were you a demon of some description?
WM: It was the second season and I was on the high school swim team and we all one by one turned into fish monsters. (More laughter)
Q: That's right! Excellent!

3 komentarze:

Amber pisze...

Tlumaczyc... cz wszystko jasne?

Anonimowy pisze...

prosze o tlumaczenie!!bardzo!!!z gory dzieki...

Amber pisze...

OK, jesli moj laptop nie zbuntuje sie (mam z nim ostatnio mnóstwo klopotów) - zrobie tlumaczenie... umm... moze na niedziele wieczorem.

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