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Newsmaker of the
Photography by
Danielle Levitt.
There have been
many powerful coming-out statements, but few as elegant and considered as Miller’s letter this August declining an
invitation to be honored at the St. Petersburg International Film Festival. “As someone
who has enjoyed visiting Russia
in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me
happy to say yes. However, as a gay man, I must decline,” Miller wrote to
festival director Maria Averbakh.
“Like everyone, I’d been reading reports
online about what was happening in Russia ,” Miller says. “So when the
invitation arrived, I thought, There is no way I can say yes. Then it occurred
to me that if I made my response public, it might help draw additional
attention to the situation. It felt like the right move at the right time.”
Best known to
millions of Americans for his role as
Michael Scofield in the hit Fox series Prison Break (for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe in
2006), Miller has since transitioned from acting to writing. He was responsible
for the screenplay to this year’s well-received thriller Stoker, starringNicole Kidman, Matthew Goode, and Mia
Wasikowska, and has another screenplay, The Disappointments Room, in development
withVoltage Pictures and Christine Vachon’s Killer Films.
Miller took another courageous step in
September, appearing at a Seattle
event for the Human Rights Campaign, where he opened up about his
suicide attempts as a teenager,
concluding with a powerful statement of intent: “Let me be to someone else what
no one was to me. Let me send a message to that kid, maybe in America, maybe
someplace far overseas, maybe somewhere deep inside — a kid who is being
targeted at home or at school or in the streets — that someone is watching and
listening and caring, that there is an ‘us,’ that there is a ‘we,’ and that kid
or teenager or adult is loved and they are not alone.”
Out asked Miller, who praises the Mankind Project
for much of his personal growth — “It sounded way out of my comfort zone, but I
was looking for a change, shift, growth” — to consider what he might say to his
15-year-old self. Here’s how he replied:
“There are plenty of things I’d say to my
15-year-old self, especially prior to his suicide attempt. However, I’d have
things to say to him in the aftermath as well. I remember carrying around deep
feelings of shame after I tried to kill myself, feeling like I’d stumbled or
failed life’s exam. That I was now ‘damaged goods.’ What I would say to that
younger self — what I’d say to anyone who’s walked a similar road — is to focus
less on the fact that you nearly ended your life and more on the fact that you
survived, that you lived to tell the tale. And then tell it. I’d say, ‘What you
think of as scars are medals. They’re badges of honor, testifying to something
inside you that is determined and tenacious and enduring.’ That’s why when
someone who knows my story approaches me with a ‘poor you’ attitude, my
response is, ‘Don’t feel sorry for me. Because I know what it is to be tested.
I know what it’s like to be broken and to have to pick myself up again. I know
who I am in those moments. And I’m stronger for it.’ There are people out there
who have never been tested, who have never been broken, so when life eventually
comes for them they can’t say for sure how they’ll respond. Maybe they’ll pick
themselves up and maybe they won’t. And my heart goes out to them. Because
sooner or later, life comes for everybody.”
Photographed in Los Angeles on October 7,
1 komentarz:
Kurcze... Nawet nie wiem co powiedzieć. Może to tylko złudzenie, chwilowe wrażenie, ale moim zdaniem to wyjątkowy facet... (juz nie mówiąc o tym ze jest niesamowicie przystojny). Inteligentny- to mogę wywnioskować z jego przeróżnych wypowiedzi. I jaką niebywałą sile musiał mieć w sobie by pokonać problemy z jakimi się mierzył. Naprawdę go podziwiam... To gdzie zaszedł świadczy o tym jak bardzo zaczął wierzyć w siebie.
Nie wiem czy sama miałabym tyle siły.
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